November 30, 2016

Watchmen Model Review for BMG

I recently finished painting my Watchmen figures for the Batman Miniature Game from Knight Models and am excited about the results. They have been in progress since sometime in June and have only gotten one game in so far, but let's just talk about the models this time.

Rorschach was the first figure I completed. True to the movie, like all the Watchmen figures, he is a top-notch one piece model and was quick to finish.

Nite Owl is a really dynamic single piece model who proved very each to paint. He's also my favourite character visually from the movie.

The Comedian is where I stalled in my progress. Being largely black, it was a challenge to get enough colour and variation to be happy with. Additionally, I'm not sure if I clipped his cigar off when I was cleaning up the model or if it actually isn't there in the original cast. I wanted him to have one so I did a little experiment with a tiny chunk of paperclip. It ended up a touch on the big size, but works really well considering. I can hear Jeffrey Dean Morgan's bitter laugh when I look at this figure.

Ozymandias is another single piece cast and he works well with the dynamic purple and gold. The gold proved to be a bit of a challenge as it's a colour I don't use often. I do wish his pose was different, as I don't like the hands behind his back. That aside however, he looks great.

Silk Spectre II was the last model I finished and the one I was most concerned about. The details are very fine and I don't have great brush control. My fears were unfounded though, as she turned out extremely well and is a figure I'm very proud of. Gloss coat is something I use very sparingly and it looks great on her here.

Let's hope that the Watchmen will appear in the DC Universe Miniatures game sometime soon. If they do, I desperately hope that we'll see a Dr. Manhattan to finish out the line!


Simon Quinton said...

Fab job on them all. They look excellent!

Obsidian3D said...

Much obliged. I love this set of figures.