March 03, 2014

What I Built In February

For some strange reason I got it into my head that I was going to build as many figures as I could from my awaiting lead and plastic pile in February. I still haven't had a chance to set them up for photos but it's finally on my to-do list tonight.

Anyway here's a quick run down of what I was actually able to put together. I was pretty happy with the total!

- Deadzone: Enforcer starter pack (12 figures)
- Deadzone: Plague starter pack + bonus models (17 figures)
- Project Pandora: Veer-myn squad (10 figures)
- Project Pandora: Corporation squad (10 figures)
- Dwarf King's Hold - Ancient Grudge: Ghouls x7, Dwarfs x2 and Elves x2 (11 figures)
- Sedition Wars: Keegan, Dekker?, Jade Lily, Akosha, Vade and Dead Space dude (7 figures)

So in total it looks like 67 models put together in February. I've also primed the Deadzone figures, so I'm actually doing pretty well with getting that game on the table to some 'figure out the rules' games.

I'll be slowing down that pace but I do want to get the rest of the Sedition Wars figures built and primed, as well as the rest of my Deadzone models. That will likely not all happen in March, because I have a special project on tap this month. I can't say any more than that until it's finished. Once I get that off my table I'll return to my ever-massive to-do list!

Pictures of the Deadzone models I've completed will be following a little later this week, along with my thoughts on them so far.


Simon Quinton said...

My My you have had a busy month!

Obsidian3D said...

Yes indeed! I didn't realize how much progress I had made until I totaled it all up. I kept looking at the half dozen bags of models in the deadzone box and just dove in one evening after work.

Although I prefer to play my games with painted figures, I also don't want to wait months and months until I get to try them, so at least having then built and primed I feel like they're usable. Still lots more to do though!